Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 11, 2008

the presentation has finally come..this is it..the moment that where going to present our report our lesson that ive work so hard just to met the deadline..where the last group to report about windows vista..its the time to present our powerpoint presentation..but im disappointed coz not all my groups give there cooperation to the said project but its ok..=)..i didnt really understand my topic but then again as the lesson goes by it gives me the clearness about operating system..
and success we made it...hehhehe

August 7,2008

its our lastday in our ICT days..its final..but its a bit boring..im still on the process of finishing my report..and im not yet done searching about my topic..but its ok i still have the days of saturday and sunday but im not confident on that..hahai..o.s makakutaw og utok lisod sabton but its okie ccoz its challenging..im I.T student so i should all things involving Information Communication Technolog...=)

August 6,2008

hmm..now we didnt have a class..coz its the start of our ICT days..we just have a contest of typing and we participated on the said contest..eventhough we dont have a class we had a project the project that where to report on monday and it should be in powerpoint presentation. where busy searching or our topic at the internet..and also busy studying for the reporting...=)
hope things will be okie in our reporting...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

August 5, 2008

we have our long quiz about our yesterday topic..and it took 1hour for me to answer those questions..after that ,,we create a group to be able to report about the said topic that we choose
coz we dont have a class for about three days..because where celebrating our I.C.T days... we have some games and program, orientation, and also a film viewing..some contest..eventhough we dont have a class we are not allowed to absent or dont attend the said program.. we have to finish the project that our instructor gave to us to be able to report it on monday,,and he will check the attendance so we have no choice but to attend...

reaction paper

the movie that we watch really touches me, it shows that relationship, family, and love, cant buy anything, it really has a big different. eventhough i dont understand the laungage coz its chines i understand the action that the movie shows..the movie shows love and courage despite of your situation in life, when it comes to family relationship it really has a moral lesson,..and people change because of material things and how people change because of love and relationship. status in life is not a hendrance to achieve dreams and ambition..and the biggest lesson that i learned is that time is really precious, experiences and problems makes us realize how important the situation maybe..and how important the person that we have right now.. and i realize that im so thankful to have the person who loves me..and it makes me realize that words is not enough to say how much i love them and how much i care for them,,actions speaks louder than words and it makes me realize that if i love them i should show them my effort..hehehhe

August 5,2005

Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4,2008

i enter the class late coz i dont have an assignment. eventhough im late i pass my assignment before ending the class. my assingment is about technology that involves operating system. but tonight we tacle about health and safety in the laboratory. Mr. Dosejo explain the proper usage of computer laboratory the do's and dont's. the medical problem that we can get by the unsafely usage of the computer, and also the ESD he explain everything the technical side of it,the importants of avoiding it and the damage it may cause. we watch a video clip which explains everything about ESD. honestly its hard to understand but as the class go on and the explanation is getting clear i easly cope up with the said topic. we didnt have a quizz but expect a long quizz tomorrow, and i should study the today's lesson to be able for me to get a high a score. and the last thing to do is to make a blog. its a short blog coz im already tired, i almost spend four hours facing the computer. but theres a new lesson learn. so this is it. time to say goodbye..until tomorrow,...see yah!!...=)by the way thanks to our instructor coz we didnt had a quizz but please to make the quizz so hard by tomorrow...see yah!!...=)