Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4,2008

i enter the class late coz i dont have an assignment. eventhough im late i pass my assignment before ending the class. my assingment is about technology that involves operating system. but tonight we tacle about health and safety in the laboratory. Mr. Dosejo explain the proper usage of computer laboratory the do's and dont's. the medical problem that we can get by the unsafely usage of the computer, and also the ESD he explain everything the technical side of it,the importants of avoiding it and the damage it may cause. we watch a video clip which explains everything about ESD. honestly its hard to understand but as the class go on and the explanation is getting clear i easly cope up with the said topic. we didnt have a quizz but expect a long quizz tomorrow, and i should study the today's lesson to be able for me to get a high a score. and the last thing to do is to make a blog. its a short blog coz im already tired, i almost spend four hours facing the computer. but theres a new lesson learn. so this is it. time to say goodbye..until tomorrow,...see yah!!...=)by the way thanks to our instructor coz we didnt had a quizz but please to make the quizz so hard by tomorrow...see yah!!...=)

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