Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29,2008


Our Subject is about Operating System but tonight, Our instructor create a yahoo group, that could help us communicate and access through internet. He made a lecture about the yahoogroup and invited us to join so that we will do our subject through internet and computer. The first one is joining at the yahoo group that Mr. Dosejo created, I sign up and answer the questions that needed in joining the group since i already have an email account it is easier for me to fill out those questions.
After that im already a member of the group that yahoo group is created only to us, as a CES II evening student. My classmate is already a member. In that group i created i folder which i named IEuegenio. In my folder I created a two file named Exam and Project. It is not really difficult coz i already know it way back in my subject in first year. Then after that Mr. Dosejo want us to create a blog. I follow every instructions he says in order for me to create a blog, after that im done i already had a blog site. In the blog site i add all my classmate so that whenever they pose something on their blog i can read it.
We didnt have a quizz..Mr. Dosejo calle that as a quizz but for me its not...its an exam hehhe..but anyways its ok, coz i really need to listen and consentrate on the subject coz if im not that would be failure..
Eventhough there is no quizz that i snot an exemption..assignment is there..

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